OMT - Online Matrix Task to measure dishonesty | Prof. Eyal Pe'er

OMT - Online Matrix Task to measure dishonesty

The OMT (Online Matrix Task) is an online task, developed on a Qualtrics survey, that measures participants' dishonest behavior following the paradigm used by Mazar, Amir, & Ariely (2008). 

To preview the task choose the condition:

To download the task click here (or here for the Hebrew version)
(import the file to your Qualtrics account). 

For more task specifics see below or read our Paper


Task description: The OMT uses a Qualtrics survey to display the matrices on the participant’s computer screen. Each problem is displayed separately on a web page with a timer of 20 seconds, and two option buttons: “Found it” or “No”. The option for “No” is pre-selected by default and remains the response unless the participant changes it to “Found it” before 20 seconds elapse. After 20 seconds, the page auto-advances to the next problem, etc. Participants are given a series of such problems and their reward is based on the total of problems they reported as “found”, in the experimental (“cheating” or “self-report”) condition. In the control condition, participants are asked, after each problem they marked as “Found it”, to enter the two numbers that solve the matrix. At the end, they are rewarded according to the actual number of correct responses they provide. The difference in mean (and distribution) of the total number of problems reported as solved (in the "self-report" condition) vs. the total number of problems actually solved correctly in the control condition shows the estimate for the aggreagete rate of over-reporting and dishonest behavior between the groups.

The task can be modified to include more/less problems, harder/easier problems, unsolvable problems, and the order of the problems can be randomized or manipulated. In our studies, we have used the OMT to examine the effects of honesty pledges on unethical behavior

To cite the OMT, please include the following paper in your references: Peer, E., & Feldman, Y. (2021). Honesty pledges for the behaviorally-based regulation of dishonesty. Journal of European Public Policy28(5), 761-781.

If you have any questions about the OMT or have a cool research idea for it, feel free to contact me at