"Nudges" are behavioral inteventions designed to encourage voluntray behavior change such as to increase savings or reduce unhealthy eating. Many nudges can be effective, but their effects can be different depending on the individual. In this project I examine how can nudges be personalized to different people and when does that increase their effectivness.
Research papers
Peer, E., Egelman, S., Harbach, M., Malkin, N., Mathur, A., & Frik, A. (2020). Nudge me right: Personalizing online security nudges to people's decision-making styles. Computers in Human Behavior, 109, 106347.
Egelman, S., & Peer, E. (2015, September). The myth of the average user: Improving privacy and security systems through individualization. In Proceedings of the 2015 New Security Paradigms Workshop (pp. 16-28).
- Attitudes towards nudges: Related to the topic, I also explored how different groups of individuals (such as minority groups, or business owners) react to different nudges as potential policy programs. These studies also showed hetregenity in acceptability of nudges, which should be addressed by personalization of nudges.
Tikotsky, A., Pe'er, E., & Feldman, Y. (2020). Which nudges do businesses like? Managers’ attitudes towards nudges directed at their business or at their customers. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 170, 43-51.
Pe’er, E., Feldman, Y., Gamliel, E., Sahar, L., Tikotsky, A., Hod, N., & Schupak, H. (2019). Do minorities like nudges? The role of group norms in attitudes towards behavioral policy. Judgment and Decision making, 14(1), 40-50.